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Currency exchange rate as of May 21: the dollar rose by 24 kopecks

Currency exchange rate as of May 21: the dollar rose by 24 kopecks

Kyiv • UNN


The National Bank of Ukraine devalued the hryvnia by 24 kopecks, setting the official exchange rate at 39.6650 UAH/USD and 43.08 UAH/EUR.

The National Bank of Ukraine has set the official hryvnia exchange rate at 39.6650 UAH/USD, which devalued the hryvnia by 24 kopecks, UNN reports, citing the NBU.


The official dollar exchange rate is 39.66 UAH/USD. The NBU also set the official euro to hryvnia exchange rate at 43.08 UAH/€.

According to the data on specialized websites, as of 9:10 am:

  • The dollar can be bought for UAH 40.00 and sold for UAH 39.50 in banks. The euro can be bought at UAH 43.50 and sold at UAH 42.80 in banks. 
  • In exchange offices, the dollar is traded at UAH 39.97-40.05, and the euro at UAH 43.38-43.55. 
  • On the interbank market, the exchange rates are UAH 39.67-39.69 for the dollar and UAH 42.11-42.12 for the euro, respectively.

The hryvnia will weaken: bankers and financial analysts have downgraded the exchange rate forecast for this year19.01.24, 16:24 • 35486 views

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