Attack of the clones: new Defense Ministry team criticized by pseudo-experts linked to Medvedchuk and other pro-Russian politicians

Attack of the clones: new Defense Ministry team criticized by pseudo-experts linked to Medvedchuk and other pro-Russian politicians

Kyiv  •  UNN

February 9 2024, 07:54 AM  •  392354 views

The new team of the Ministry of Defense and the State Logistics Operator is facing criticism from pseudo-experts linked to pro-Russian politicians such as Medvedchuk for their first tenders for food supplies to the army.

An information attack on the new team of the Ministry of Defense and the State Enterprise "State Logistics Operator" is being conducted by pseudo-experts who have collaborated with pro-Russian politicians, UNN reports.


No sooner had the State Logistics Operator announced its first tenders for the supply of food to the Ukrainian army than it immediately became a target for devastating criticism. However, logic suggests that the first conclusions about the successes or failures of the state enterprise and its head, Arsen Zhumadilov, should be made after the tenders themselves are completed and the first deliveries of food to military units are made. 

And this suggests that the so-called "criticism" is, to put it mildly, very beneficial to someone.

The set of accusations against the DOT is basically standard: no changes in the catering system are allegedly taking place, and corruption in the Defense Ministry will continue to flourish. But the main emphasis is placed on the fact that the DOT allegedly overstates the amount of tenders, as it receives 0.4% of the commission from each contract. 

First, various experts voice these theses on their social media pages. Later, they are replicated under the guise of expert opinion by certain tg channels and some media outlets.

This synchronicity of replication suggests that this is a deliberate "black" PR campaign, albeit not a carefully planned one.

In this situation, the most important thing is to look closely at the "primary sources" of the said "incriminating" information. 

It would be logical if the procurement of the State Logistics Operator were commented on by experts in tender procedures and pricing, product manufacturers, logisticians, current and former military personnel with experience in logistics. 

Instead, "specialists" of a wide profile - people who call themselves political scientists, political, military, economic and other experts - have actively taken up the DOT. Michael Schneider, Oleksiy Holobutskiy, Yuriy Havrylechko, and Oleh Posternak have been the most active in recent days. All of them are included in the database of pseudo-sociologists, an unofficial register that also includes pseudo-experts and "professional" commentators who often voice opinions on certain events and situations in someone's interests.

At different times, all four actively cooperated with politicians who still hold pro-Russian views. Roman Schneider and Oleh Posternak have former MPs from the banned OPFL Viktor Medvedchuk and Vadym Rabinovych, who are suspected of treason, Yuriy Havrylechko - Viktor Medvedchuk and the banned party of another suspected high treason, blogger Anatoliy Sharii, Oleksiy Holobutskyi - former MP Natalia Korolevska. 

Against this backdrop, it looks rather strange that a relatively well-known Ukrainian journalist and blogger, Serhiy Lyamets, has suddenly joined the campaign to discredit the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and the DOT. 

Obviously, her clients realized that toxic pseudo-experts do not give the desired effect, so they decided not to save money and to involve at least someone with a normal background in the process. 

But how comfortable Lyamets is in the company of these characters is a matter of his personal choice.

It is clear that no one is immune from mistakes, and quite often it is constructive criticism that allows them to be corrected in a timely and effective manner. Moreover, the new team of the Ministry of Defense has already proven that it can respond quickly to the challenges of society. Another proof of this is the termination of all contracts with the firms of the scandalous Hrynkevych family

But in this case, everything points to the fact that it is not about criticism, but about an outright "order". 

On the eve of the second anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion, it must be stated that people who did not shy away from cooperating with pro-Russian politicians are still in demand in Ukraine.

And in this context, the search for an answer to the question of who is behind the information attack on the new team of the Ministry of Defense takes on a completely different color...  

"State Logistics Operator": the presentation took place, what's nextDecember 26 2023, 07:45 AM • 644922 views