Air Assault Forces deny rumors of liquidation: they remain a separate branch of the military

Air Assault Forces deny rumors of liquidation: they remain a separate branch of the military

Kyiv  •  UNN

July 30 2024, 06:19 AM  •  6368 views

The Air Assault Forces refuted the fake about their liquidation as a separate branch of the Armed Forces. The Air Assault Forces remain an independent component of the Armed Forces and will continue to develop in accordance with the approved Strategy until 2035.

The information disseminated by some information resources about the alleged plans to liquidate the Air Assault Forces as a separate branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not true. This is stated in the statement of the Air Assault Forces, reports UNN.

As noted in the DSHV, the enemy, unable to win on the battlefield, increases psychological pressure on the personnel of the Air Assault Forces in order to reduce their combat effectiveness. 

For example, some information resources disseminate information about alleged plans to reorganize the brigades of the Airborne Assault Forces into assault brigades of the Army and liquidate the Airborne Assault Forces as a separate branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

We would like to emphasize that the Air Assault Forces remain an integral and independent component of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and will continue to develop as a separate branch of the armed forces, as enshrined in the Vision of the Air Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the approved Strategy for the Development of the Air Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine until 2035

- said the DSHV.

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