A busy week that requires calm: horoscope for all zodiac signs for January 29 - February 4
Kyiv • UNN
What do the stars portend in the period from January 29 to February 4 specially for UNN readers told a professional astrologer.
We expect an information-rich week, but it is necessary to remain calm. What do the stars portend in the period from January 29 to February 4, especially for readers UNN told professional astrologer Xenia Bazilenko.
This week will be informationally saturated. Astrologer recommends to use this period for learning, development and generation of new ideas.
"This will be facilitated by Mercury in conjunction with Mars at the beginning of the week, and this indicator will increase mental acuity, give success in matters with documents, good luck in negotiations, in sports and manual labor. And in addition to this trigon to Uranus will attract to us unexpected and interesting meetings, pleasant acquaintances, will help in the search for non-standard solutions and will give us all a greater desire for freedom and independence.
By the end of the week Mercury will conjunct Pluto and this will help us to be strong-willed and decisive in our actions. The Venus-Uranus trine will bring luck in love and success to creative people.
At the beginning of the week, January 29, the Moon will be conjunct Lilith in Virgo, which can cause nagging and criticism of others. Show more patience and don't get hung up on small things. The Moon from February 1 to February 3 will give a lot of intense aspects, which will increase our emotionality, creating conflict situations. Show more patience and be kinder," said the astrologer.
According to Bazilenko, this period will be quite difficult in politics, as the Sun will have an acute aspect to Jupiter all week, and to Uranus in the second half of the week. This indicates that world leaders will be belligerent, unwilling to negotiate, and extremely power-hungry.
"By the end of the week, when Mercury conjuncts Pluto, we may hear boisterous statements from politicians, which, however, will have no basis. Also, we may witness major international scandals," says the astrologer.
As for Ukraine, the stars foretell financial aid and the growth of the dollar. The danger of air attacks remains.
This week will be quite stressful for you. You will face a lot of important tasks and you will have to solve them very carefully, especially financial ones. This is not the time to invest money anywhere, let alone spend it. There may be interesting offers in work and career. Make important decisions thoughtfully. In the middle of the week, be careful in relations with your business partners, as well as in family relations - be patient, otherwise scandals will not be avoided.
This week you will have to make a number of important decisions. It is important not to be in a hurry, but to think things through, especially in career matters and in making important business decisions. Success will depend on your attitude. Try to act thoughtfully and logically. Relationships with foreigners may go well, and successful trips abroad are possible. Be careful in love, especially in the middle of the week.
This week will be too full of active events and unforeseen situations, you will need to make quick decisions. Rely on logic and common sense. You should postpone long-distance travel and be careful in communication with foreigners. You may also be concerned about your inner state, it will be difficult to concentrate on something. Devote time to yourself and self-education.
This week you should not make rash decisions and go to extremes. Try to negotiate with everyone and find compromises. Now you will be able to feel the support of your partners, both in business and marriage. But, don't count on the understanding of your friends or associates. In the middle of the week, avoid conflict situations with your household. Devote this week to your health and self-care.
This week you should not get into conflict situations with your business partners or scandals in the family. You need to be diplomatic and look for the right approach to your surroundings. Try to be tactful and avoid important legal issues. All work matters will go well, new opportunities will open up in front of you. But with career offers you should be careful, do not take on excessive obligations. In the middle of the week, be careful on the road.
This week you will be devoted to work, it is necessary to observe the rules of harmonious relations with the team and with your management. A good period for planning. At the beginning of the week great opportunities will come to you. In the middle of the week you will face a lot of emotional overstrain, so do not make mistakes and avoid conflicts. Be careful when traveling long distances and communicating with foreigners. You should not overstretch yourself unnecessarily. This period is also good for rest and for your favorite hobby. Weekends can be very emotional and difficult for you. Try to spend them in nature, away from large crowds of people. There will be great luck in love.
This week can bring a lot of hassle in the household and a lot of tension in the family. Stay as calm as possible and find compromises with your surroundings. Do not take financial risks now, especially in buying and selling real estate. Try to check documents thoroughly in such matters. You will have successful meetings, acquaintances, performances and studies. There may also be very successful trips and business trips.
This week you should be careful with your words and actions. Excessive impulsiveness can lead to problems in business and conflicts. Therefore, find a common language with your surroundings, look for calmness within yourself. In finances, this week can bring you great opportunities. You will also feel the help and support of your environment. Pay special attention to your health, be wary of infectious diseases. Be careful on the road.
This week you should be careful with your finances, don't make unnecessary expenses. Try to plan everything and make decisions thoughtfully. You should rely on yourself this week. Rely on common sense and logic. In the middle of the week you may be too emotional, you may make mistakes and go to conflict, especially in love.
This period will be quite nervous for you. Your loved ones may become irritants. Try not to conflict, but to find a common language with them. You should not make exaggerated claims to yourself. Find inner calm and act according to the plan. And pay more attention to your inner world. Do not make important decisions now. Financially this week can bring you stability and good profits. Devote more time to yourself and your development.
The success of this week will depend only on common sense and calmness. You will have to struggle with inner worries and fears. Therefore, devote more time to your inner world. Try not to go to extremes. You should also be very deliberate in communicating with other people. Avoid conflict situations, otherwise these conflicts can drag on for a long time. You can get a lot of support from friends, from like-minded people. All your projects and affairs may progress successfully. The main thing is to be in harmony with yourself.