
Zelenskyy to visit Spain to sign security agreement - media

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In the coming days, Ukrainian President Volodymyr will visit Spain to sign a bilateral security agreement between Kyiv and Madrid. This is reported by El Pais with reference to its own sources, UNN writes.


It is noted that this will be Zelenskyy's first bilateral visit to Spain, although last October he already attended the European Political Community summit in Granada. 

According to the publication, the security agreement to be signed by Sanchez and Zelenskyy is similar to those that Kyiv has already signed with the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, or Canada.

The document aims to guarantee sustainable long-term military support and serve as a bridge to full membership in NATO and the EU.

The sources of the publication claim that negotiations on the signing of this agreement began in early March and have already been completed. It is expected that the agreement will be approved by the Spanish Council of Ministers, but will not be submitted for ratification by Congress, as it does not have the legal status of an international treaty.

Україна та Іспанія провели переговори щодо двосторонньої безпекової угоди. В ОП повідомили деталі16.04.24, 18:45


El Pais explains that the security agreement between Spain and Ukraine will ensure the stability of the military support that Spain already provides to Kyiv through the supply of weapons, training of more than 4,000 soldiers at the Training and Coordination Center in Toledo, and care for dozens of wounded in a military hospital in Zaragoza.

The agreement also obliges Spain to promote the development of the Ukrainian defense industry and exchange information in the field of intelligence and cybersecurity.

In addition, Madrid should maintain economic sanctions against Russia and cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in prosecuting war criminals.

Spanish companies will also supply air surveillance systems and remote weapons stations to protect against drones.

The publication admits that military aid from Spain will be transferred through NATO. 


Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles said that Ukraine has already received missiles for the Patriot air defense system, which were sent by Spain and other Western allies


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