
Trump's son is mailed a mysterious white powder

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Rescuers in hazmat suits visited Donald Trump Jr.'s home in Florida after he opened an envelope with an unknown white substance.

Yesterday, rescue workers in protective suits visited the home of Trump's eldest son in Florida. Before that, the man opened an envelope containing an unknown white substance. This was written by NBC News, reports UNN.


On Monday, February 26, Donald Trump Jr. called rescuers because he had contact with an envelope and white powder he received in the mail.

Officials who arrived at the scene stated that the substance was not "lethal," although the results of tests to identify the white substance were reportedly inconclusive.

In an interview with The Daily Caller, Trump Jr. confirmed that the package was "the second envelope with a white powdery substance that was mailed to him.

It is worth mentioning that 6 years ago, Trump Jr's ex-wife Vanessa Trump was hospitalized after receiving a letter containing a white powder inside.


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