
Trump promises oil companies to roll back environmental regulations in exchange for a billion dollars for his campaign - media

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Former US President Donald Trump has promised the heads of the country's oil companies that he will abolish environmental rules and regulations that negatively affect company profits. In exchange, he asks them to contribute a billion dollars to his election campaign. This was reported by the Washington Post and UNN with reference to its own sources.


It is noted that last  month, Trump met with senior executives of the US oil industry at his Mar-a-Lago residence.

The publication found out that about two dozen executives were present at the meeting, including Mike Sabel, CEO and founder of Venture Global, and Jack Fusco, CEO of Cheniere Energy. Among those invited were representatives of Chevron, Continental Resources, Exxon and Occidental Petroleum.

Трамп порівняв нинішній уряд Байдена з "гестапо" - ЗМІ05.05.24, 19:20

In the course of the conversation , one of the oil workers present complained that they continue to face burdensome environmental regulations. 

Trump instead said that they are all "wealthy enough to raise a billion dollars and put me back in the White House." In return, Trump promises to immediately reverse dozens of Biden's environmental rules and policies to improve the environment and prevent new ones from being enacted.


The former president assured that during his second term, oil companies will receive even greater profits due to the acceleration of permitting and the easing of regulations. 

In particular, Trump promised to immediately end the Biden administration's freeze on new liquefied natural gas (LNG) export permits

He also noted that he would start auctioning off more oil drilling rights in the Gulf of Mexico and would lift restrictions on drilling in the Arctic in Alaska.

Before that , the former US president promised oil companies to abolish rules requiring automakers to reduce emissions from car exhaust pipes, calling the rules "ridiculous.


Reuters has learned from its own sources that Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is making calls to encourage donors to attend Trump's fundraiser in New York.

The Telegraph: Трамп вимагатиме від НАТО підняти витрати на оборону до 3% ВВП без урахування допомоги Києву04.05.24, 05:17


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