
Truckers block the highway to Kyiv in Odesa region

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Truckers partially blocked traffic on highways in Kirovohrad and Odesa regions, including the highway to Kyiv near Savrannia in Odesa region. According to regional media reports, they are protesting against the increased mobilization.

The highway to Kyiv has been blocked near Savranya in Odesa region . This is reported by Suspilne with reference to eyewitnesses and police, reports UNN.


Truckers reportedly partially blocked traffic on highways in Kirovohrad and Odesa regions. According to the regional media outlet Intent, the truckers are opposed to the provisions of the new law on mobilization, but they have not officially explained the reason for the gathering.

The National Police reported that trucks had blocked one of the lanes, so traffic on the highway was partially blocked.

Закон про посилення мобілізації набрав чинності: хто може отримати відстрочку від військової служби18.05.24, 00:01

Anastasia Ryabokon



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