
The far-right gained success in the Austrian elections

 • 10622 переглядiв

In the Austrian parliamentary elections, the far-right FPÖ party led by Herbert Kickl wins the most seats.

Written by UNN with reference to the press service of the Austrian Federal Government, Tagesschau and ORF.

Herbert Kickl's FPÖ party won 29.2% of the vote, more than 13 points higher than in the 2019 elections. The FPÖ is followed by the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP), the political force of current Chancellor Karl Negammer, with 26.5%.


In Austria, the far-right has long been part of the political mainstream and has been in power more than once.

Since its founding in 1956, the FPÖ has been part of three government coalitions with the Conservatives - from 1983 to 1986, from 2000 to 2006, and from 2017 to 2019

Among other results:

“Karl Nehammer - Die Volkspartei” (Karl Nehammer - The People's Party) - 26.5%.

“We did not achieve our goal of being the first. It's bitter,” said Negammer.

SPÖ (Social Democratic Party of Austria) - 21%;

“NEOS - Die Reformkraft für dein neues Österreich” (The power of reform for a new Austria) - 9%;

“The Greens received 8%.

Small parties, such as the Beer Party or the communist KPÖ, remain well below the 4 percent threshold required to enter the Austrian parliament.

На парламентських виборах в Австрії лідирує вкрай права політична партія, заснована колишніми офіцерами СС29.09.24, 19:40

Thus, the alliance between the Conservatives and the Greens, which has determined the political fate of Vienna for the past five years, is on the verge of collapse.

“The voters have spoken,” FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl said of the result. Last night he claimed leadership in the country: “We are ready to lead the government and drive change side by side with the population,” the politician said.

 This opens up an unprecedented scenario, writes, as a tripartite coalition government (ÖVP, SPÖ and a third force (probably the liberals of NEOS) could be formed.

According to the government's website, the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior will receive reports from all municipalities on the results of the 2024 National Council elections, and then the preliminary final results will be announced. At present, it is known that a total of 4753340 votes were cast (the figure already includes most postal votes). The votes cast by voting cards will be analyzed today and in the coming days.

В Австрії проходять парламентські вибори: як результати можуть вплинути на підтримку України29.09.24, 14:10

Ihor Telezhnikov

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