
The European Parliament condemns Russia's constant attempts to undermine European democracy

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The European Parliament adopted a resolution expressing concern over Russia's ongoing efforts to undermine European democracy through interference and disinformation.

The European Parliament has adopted a resolution expressing its outrage and concern over Russia's ongoing efforts to undermine European democracy through various forms of interference and disinformation. UNN reports this with reference to the website of the European Parliament.


The resolution was voted in favor by 433 MEPs, 56  were against and 18 abstained.

The text of the resolution emphasizes that Moscow recruits some MEPs as "agents of influence" and establishes dependent relations with some European political parties, which then spread Russian propaganda and serve the interests of Russia.

As noted, the European Parliament is deeply concerned by reports that MEP from Latvia Tatjana Ždanoka may have been an informant for the Russian Federal Security Service.

The resolution emphasizes that both the European Parliament and the Latvian authorities should thoroughly investigate this matter in order to determine any appropriate sanctions and criminal prosecution. At the same time, the resolution points to other cases in which MEPs have deliberately served Russia's interests, including through fake election observation missions in the Russian-occupied territories

-the European Parliament said.

MEPs are outraged that Russia, often in violation of EU member states' laws, has found ways to provide significant funding to political parties, politicians, officials and movements in several democratic countries to interfere and gain leverage over their democratic processes.

"The text (of the resolution - ed.) also lists examples of recent attempts by Russia to interfere in the affairs of various countries, including the supply of narratives to far-right political parties and actors in Germany and France to undermine public support for Ukraine, as well as in Slovakia," the MEPs said.

 MEPs are also concerned about the widespread dissemination of disinformation and illegal content on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter.

The European Parliament also calls on the relevant judicial authorities to conduct an effective investigation into the ties of MEPs allegedly linked to the Kremlin.

У Болгарії затримали правоохоронця, якого підозрюють у шпигунстві для росії 06.02.24, 00:30


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