
Russia has sent 10 thousand migrants to the war against Ukraine

 • 20922 переглядiв

Russia has granted Russian citizenship to more than 30,000 migrants and sent 10,000 of them to fight in the war against Ukraine.

Russia sent more than 10 thousand migrants who were granted Russian citizenship to fight in Ukraine. This was stated by the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, reports UNN.


According to him, it is important to "synchronize" the procedure for obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with the simultaneous registration for military service.

Therefore, in October 2023, Russia created a special group, during the activities of which more than 30 thousand migrants who received Russian citizenship were registered for military service. And 10 thousand migrants were sent to the front of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

They (migrants - ed.) are now joining the ranks of our rear units

- Bastrykin said .


Russian President Vladimir Putin said that almost 700 thousand Russians are taking part in the war against Ukraine.  

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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