
Putin may visit North Korea and Viet Nam this month - mass media

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russian president vladimir putin may visit North Korea this month, and then probably head straight to Vietnam. This is reported by Reuters  with reference to rossmi, reports UNN.


A preliminary visit to the DPRK is scheduled to take place in the coming weeks. According to Russian ambassador to North Korea Alexander Matsegora, Putin's visit to Pyongyang is "actively being prepared".

After Korea, Putin will probably go straight to Vietnam. Russian media say that the visit is scheduled for June 19-20, but there is still no confirmation of these dates. In a conversation with Reuters, the official representative of Vietnam added that the agenda is currently being discussed. among the main issues that are planned to be discussed are energy, military cooperation, mutual settlements and an agreement in the educational sphere.

As rossmi adds, now the most acute problem of trade between the two countries is bank support for settlements.

Електроніка та боєприпаси: Столтенберг розповів, як Китай та КНДР допомагають росії у війні проти України 27.05.24, 14:20


The publication adds that this will be Putin's first visit to North Korea in more than 20 years. It is known that the last time he visited North Korea was back in 2000, during his first presidential term. 


Last month, in May, A Russian delegation visited North Korea, in particular, to outline future contacts against the background of expanding cooperation between the two countries.


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