
Orban to meet with Macron in Paris: support for Ukraine is among the topics of discussion

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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban will meet with French President Macron in Paris ahead of Hungary's EU presidency amid tensions over support for Ukraine and migration policy.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban will meet with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on the eve of Hungary's EU presidency, the parties are going to discuss, among other things, support for Ukraine, citing sources Europe 1 reports, writes UNN.


According to Europe 1, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban will be received on Wednesday at a working lunch by French President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace, before the European Council appoints the next EU leaders on Thursday and Friday. Hungary should assume the EU presidency from July 1 - with the "Trumpist" wording "let's make Europe Great Again". Viktor Orban arrives in Paris to present the main topics of his presidency.

"An opportunity to prepare for the European Council and the future rotating presidency of Hungary," Macron's entourage emphasizes. The French president ,as indicated,"should discuss support for Ukraine and the European defense industry amid tensions between the offices of Hungary and Ukraine.

This is also a very political visit in the context of early parliamentary elections. Last Friday in Berlin, Viktor Orban criticized Germany's migration policy, condemning the dangers of mass immigration. According to Europe 1, Marine Le Pen did not plan to meet with the Hungarian Prime Minister.

У Штутгарті внаслідок ДТП загинув поліцейський, який супроводжував Орбана 24.06.24, 20:17


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