
North Korea is russia's largest arms supplier - Budanov

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Kirill Budanov, head of the Defense Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate, says North Korea is currently the largest arms supplier to Russia.

North Korea is the largest supplier of weapons to russia. Without their help, the situation for rf would be catastrophic. This was reported by the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov in an interview with the Financial Times, reports UNN.


Budanov said North Korea is currently the largest arms supplier to Russia.

"They did transfer a significant amount of artillery ammunition. This allowed Russia to breathe a little. Without their help, the situation would have been catastrophic," Budanov said

He noted that Russia would prefer not to rely on outside help.

"It has always been considered beneath their dignity, it's a humiliation," Budanov explained.

Another problem facing russia, he said, is labor.

Budanov said Moscow is losing as many or more troops than it can recruit. His aide, Vadim Skibitsky, said this week that between 1,000 and 1,100 people join the Russian army every day through mobilization or voluntarily.

Where mobilization is lacking, mercenary groups help fill the ranks, Budanov said, mentioning the Wagner group founded by the late Russian caterer turned warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin.


Specialists from the Kiev Research Institute of Forensic Expertise asked to wait for the results of the study of missile debris, which, according to preliminary information, Russia may have transferred to the DPRK. Only after the examination will it be possible to definitively confirm or deny this fact.


North Korea said Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his willingness to visit Pyongyang soon, and the country is ready to "congratulate the Korean people's closest friend with the greatest sincerity.

Anna Murashko



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