
No Russian ships in the Black and Azov Seas - Pletenchuk

 • 23912 переглядiв

As of this morning, there are no enemy ships in the Black and Azov Seas, including a missile carrier, according to a spokesman for the Southern Defense Command.

As of this morning, there are no enemy ships, including missile carriers, in the Black and Azov Seas. This was reported by the spokesman for the Southern Defense Forces, Dmytro Pletenchuk, during a telethon on Monday, UNN correspondent reports.

We do not observe the presence of enemy ships in the Azov-Black Sea region. They are at their basing points, and the situation remains stable. That is, there are no outlets to the sea and, accordingly, no carriers (of missiles - ed.),

- Pletenchuk said.


Ukrainian intelligence identified personnel from Russia's 22nd Heavy Bombing Aviation Division involved in missile attacks on Ukraine's civilian infrastructure.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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