
Nayev showed how defensive lines are being equipped in the north

 • 25763 переглядiв

Ukraine is reinforcing its northern defense with engineering barriers and mobile air defense amid threats from Russia, Serhiy Nayev said.

In the north, defensive lines are being actively built and a powerful system of engineering barriers is being created in case of an increasing threat from Russia. This was stated by the Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Serhiy Nayev, according to UNN.

There is no time to sit idly by. The defense forces are proactive. We are increasing the number and effectiveness of mobile air defense firing groups, and counter-sabotage work is ongoing. But the main thing is that we are building defensive lines and creating a powerful system of engineering barriers

- Nayev wrote on Telegram.

He noted that all this is being done to make Ukrainian citizens feel safe. According to Nayev, additional combat brigades will arrive at the constructed facilities in the future, and take up prepared positions in case of an increased threat.

Nayev said that the defensive lines will be built according to a standardized scheme. Adjustments are made only to the terrain. According to the report, each trench is reinforced with geotextiles, concrete protective structures, dugouts, and firing positions are being equipped. A system of engineering obstacles, both non-explosive and explosive, is formed in front of the stronghold.

Українська ППО має достатньо боєприпасів, аби відбити ще кілька потужних атак рф - Наєв04.01.24, 14:59

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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