
Media: Russian subversive group shoots civilian man in Chernihiv region

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A Russian subversive group killed the driver of a civilian school bus in Chernihiv region near the Russian border.

Yesterday, on January 10, a Russian sabotage and reconnaissance group shot a car with a civilian man in the Semenivska community of Chernihiv region. This was reported by Suspilne with reference to the head of the Novhorod-Siverskyi District Military Administration Serhiy Serhiyenko, UNN reports.


According to him, it happened around 5 am between the villages of Hremyachka and Leonivka. From there, the Russian border is half a kilometer away.

The deceased man was born in 1961. He worked as a school bus driver in the village of Kostobobriv.

There was information from the head of the community that the man had managed to take his child to the bus to Semenivka and was returning to Kostobobrov. There was a DRG event. Unfortunately, we lost a man

- Sergiy Sergiyenko said.

Наєв показав, як на півночі облаштовують оборонні рубежі11.01.24, 11:38

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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