
"Made in Ukraine" platform to be launched in Ukraine - Zelensky

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President Zelenskyy launched the Made in Ukraine platform to strengthen economic ties between the state and Ukrainian businesses.

From today, the Made in Ukraine platform will be launched in Ukraine, which should become a platform for dialogue between the state and Ukrainian entrepreneurs. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a speech at the Made in Ukraine forum, UNN reports.


"I am pleased to announce today the launch of our new economic platform, and thus a new economic policy. The policy of "Made in Ukraine", the policy of "Made in Ukraine". And we are starting a new page of our economic history with words of gratitude. Ukraine is grateful to its entrepreneurs, Ukraine is grateful to everyone whose business operates in Ukraine and creates jobs. Ukraine is grateful for every product and service produced in Ukraine. Ukraine is grateful to everyone who provides the economic basis for the life of our country. For the resistance of our soldiers, that is, for achieving the goals in the war," Zelensky said.

The President noted that significant steps have already been taken to modernize and simplify the work of state institutions so that they contribute to the efficiency of our economy.

"There are many examples, from more liberal legislative regulation to digital tools, which have been adding to economic growth for years. Now we have to add more tools. First, this platform, made in Ukraine, should become a platform for constant direct dialog between the state and our entrepreneurs. It should represent the interests of everyone who works in Ukraine, who works transparently and for the sake of Ukraine, who pays taxes in Ukraine and does not work in Russia," Zelensky added.

He emphasized that small business is just as valuable as big business, entrepreneurs of every community, entrepreneurs of every region of Ukraine, every industry.

"Secondly, we must do everything possible to ensure that as many Ukrainian enterprises as possible are able to maintain and scale their operations," the President added.

In addition, the President noted that Ukraine must win and it is a matter of survival.

"And for Ukraine to have all the necessary resources for its victory, Ukrainian goods, Ukrainian services, Ukrainian consumption, and Ukrainian exports must also win. That is, Ukrainian entrepreneurs. Everyone should remember that we have only one front and our soldiers are holding it out. But for the frontline to be effective, the whole of Ukraine must be effective and strong, everyone who works for the sake of the state and people," Zelensky added.


Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that Ukraine has already restored 23 thousand multi-storey and private buildings that were destroyed as a result of enemy attacks.


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