
Macron calls for allowing Ukraine to strike at Russian territory with Western weapons

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French President Emmanuel Macron has called for allowing Ukraine to attack Russian military targets on Russian territory with Western weapons to neutralize the sources from which missiles are launched against Ukraine.

French President Emmanuel Macron has spoken in favor of allowing Ukraine to attack Russian positions on Russian territory with Western weapons, reports UNN with reference to t-online.

“We believe that we must allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are launched and, in fact, the military sites from which Ukraine is attacked,” Macron said in Meseberg.

Повинні мати змогу дати відсіч: Джонсон про дозвіл Україні бити по території рф американською зброєю22.05.24, 18:48

At the same time, he clarifies: "We must not allow other targets in Russia to be hit, certainly civilian or other military targets.

Фінляндія не забороняла Україні бити по рф переданою зброєю28.02.24, 21:55


Ukrainian officials are making a new attempt to negotiate with the Biden administration to lift the ban on the use of US weapons for strikes inside Russia. Until now, the relevant US policy did not allow the Ukrainian armed forces to attack the positions of the Russian armed forces when they were preparing to attack the Kharkiv region.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken saidthat the U.S. neither encourages nor facilitates strikes against Russia with U.S. weapons, but noted that Ukraine decides how to conduct its war.


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