
In Germany, three men were detained on suspicion of espionage: average Ukrainian

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Three men, including a citizen of Ukraine, were detained in Germany on suspicion of working for a foreign intelligence service.

Recently in Germany, law enforcement officers detained three men on suspicion of working for foreign intelligence. Among the detainees is a citizen of Ukraine. This is reported by UNN with reference to the statement of the German prosecutor general's office. 


The incident occurred yesterday, June 20. Law enforcement officers detained a citizen of Ukraine Robert A.; An Armenian citizen Vardges I. and a Russian  Armyan S. the accused are suspected of working for a foreign special service. 

Law enforcement officers believe that the defendants went to Germany on the instructions of a foreign special service to collect information about a person from Ukraine who was here.

Probably for this purpose on June 19, 2024, they scouted a cafe in Frankfurt am Main where their target was supposed to be located. 


In Bulgaria, a 23-year-old Ukrainian was detained, who entered the territory of the Maritsa-Vostok 2 Power Plant. During a search of his home, law enforcement officers found drones.

Російський персонал вигнали зі штаб-квартири НАТО через звинувачення у шпигунстві – Bild05.04.24, 17:24


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