
"Further US assistance allows us to save lives from Russian terror": Zelensky reacts to Senate's approval of support for Ukraine

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The US Senate approves more than $60 billion in aid to Ukraine, which President Zelenskyy says will save lives from Russian terror.

US assistance helps save lives from Russian terror and brings a just peace to Ukraine. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, reacting to the approval by the US Senate of an aid package for Ukraine worth more than $60 billion, UNN reports.

I am grateful to Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell and all U.S. Senators who supported continued assistance to Ukraine in our fight for freedom, democracy and values that are of great importance to us all. For us in Ukraine, continued U.S. assistance means saving lives from Russian terror. This means that life in our cities will go on and defeat the war

- Zelensky wrote in X.

The President emphasized that "American assistance is bringing a just peace to Ukraine and restoring global stability, which will contribute to greater security and prosperity for all Americans and the free world.


On February 13 , the US Senate approved a $95.3 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, including more than $60 billion for Ukraine, after months of negotiations.

Шмигаль назвав схвалення у Сенаті допомоги Україні важливим, розраховує на підтримку у Палаті представників13.02.24, 13:59


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