
Freight train hits three pedestrians in Sweden

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On Wednesday evening, a freight train in Sweden hit three pedestrians at a station in Örebro and seriously injured them.

A freight train hit three pedestrians in Sweden. This was reported by Expressen, according to UNN.


On Wednesday evening, a freight train hit three pedestrians at the Södra station in the center of Örebro.

According to police, three people were seriously injured in the tragedy.

This train seems to have run over three people

- Anneli Silveria from SOS Alarm informed .

It is important to note that the victims were pedestrians and not driving a vehicle.


Currently, the details of the accident remain unknown,  the investigation is being conducted by the Erebro police.

Прем'єр Швеції заявив, що питання відправки військ в Україну "зараз не актуальне"27.02.24, 14:09

Julia Kotvitskaya

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