
France and Germany are concerned about Russia's provocations in the Baltic region

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France and Germany are concerned about increased Russian provocations at the border on the EU's borders with Estonia, Lithuania and Finland

France and Germany emphasize that the EU is closely monitoring Russian provocations on the border with Estonia, Lithuania and Finland. This was reported by UNN with reference to a statement by French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne and German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock.


Sejourne expressed solidarity with the allies after Russia's "unacceptable aggressive actions". He emphasized that Russia has stepped up its provocations on the EU borders in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania. 

путін прагне захопити острів Готланд та повністю контролювати Балтійське море - головнокомандувач Швеції 22.05.24, 15:54

We express our full solidarity with Estonia, Finland and Lithuania in the face of these unacceptable aggressive actions. We are closely monitoring the situation together with our allies, who are acting calmly and prudently

- the French diplomat said in a statement. 

Латвія засудила росію за вилучення буїв з естонської території річки Нарва24.05.24, 15:22

Instead, German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock said that Russia was setting fire to the borders of the European Union. She also assured that the EU is ready to support the Baltic states.

Russia is setting fire to the borders of the European Union. We stand shoulder to shoulder with our friends in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania and do not accept this aggressive behavior. On the contrary, we stand in solidarity with our allies in the Baltic States and the Baltic Sea

- Burbock said.


Russia dismantled more than 20 Estonian border buoys in Estonian waters, prompting Estonia to demand an explanation and their return, leading to an escalation of tensions between the two countries.


Earlier, the Russian media, citing government documents, said that Russia is seeking to unilaterally change the country's maritime borders with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea.    

However, later, after the West's reaction, Russia decided to remove this document from the portal of draft regulations. 

Литва, Латвія і Фінляндія відреагували на заяви щодо ймовірної зміни кордонів рф у Балтійському морі22.05.24, 13:52


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