
Former MP Rabinovych to be tried for high treason

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The State Bureau of Investigation has completed a pre-trial investigation against former Ukrainian MP Vadym Rabinovych on charges of high treason and sent the case to court.

Law enforcement officers have completed a pre-trial investigation against Vadym Rabinovych, a former MP from the banned Opposition Platform - For Life party. This was reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation.


The SBI emphasized that the MP disseminated anti-Ukrainian propaganda information among the population and political leadership of the European Union.

It is noted that in July 2023, the former People's Deputy of Ukraine was notified of suspicion of high treason (Part 1 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The notification of suspicion was made by sending a request for international legal assistance to the State of Israel.

Нардепу Шуфричу повідомили про нову підозру за фінансування росгвардії у Криму08.02.24, 14:06

Also on August 1, Kyiv's Pechersk Court granted the motion of the State Bureau of Investigation investigator and imposed a pre-trial restraint in the form of detention on the former MP.

Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation have completed the pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings on high treason against former MP of Ukraine from the banned political party OPFL Vadym Rabinovych. The indictment was sent to court

- the SBI summarized. 

The former MP faces up to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property.


The SBI noted that in his numerous speeches and interviews, Rabinovych made manipulative statements that harmed the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability, state, economic and information security of Ukraine.

Its propaganda activities helped the leadership of the Russian Federation to achieve its military and political goals and provided ideological assistance to Russia in conducting subversive activities against Ukraine.


The State Bureau of Investigation has completed the pre-trial investigation into the treason charges against fugitive former MP Renat Kuzmin and sent the indictment to court.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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