
Family weekend: top movies for Easter weekend

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UNN offers a selection of different movies to watch over the Easter weekend, including comedies, animated films, and biblical stories.

UNN offers you a selection of movies that you can watch if you decide to spend the Easter weekend at home.

The dog that saved Easter

A movie for the whole family, it tells the story of a dog named Zeus, who was left by his family in a dog kennel for the duration of the trip. There, he not only finds new friends, but also encounters some bad guys whom he has to stop. Zeus also has to prevent the ruin of Easter.

Peter Rabbit

The animated film, based on the fairy tales by the famous Beatrix Potter, tells the story of a rabbit named Peter, who lives with his three sisters and mother in a deep hole. After the death of an old farmer, the rabbits take over not only his garden but also his house. But this lasts until the farmer's heir returns. The audience will find a lot of pranks and funny situations.

Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo

The cartoon characters Winnie, Roo and Tigger are ready for new adventures. But Rabbit thinks differently - he needs to clean the house first. Rabbit is not ready to deviate from the plan. But it's not just about cleaning - the main characters will have to return Rabbit's love for Easter and Easter traditions. This cartoon will appeal to the youngest viewers.

Bruce Almighty

A comedy starring Jim Carrey as Bruce Nolan, a TV journalist who is always complaining about God. One day, God heard him and gave him his power - for a week, Bruce has to fulfill his duties. But no one promised that ruling the world would be easy.

Heaven is real

The family of Colton, Sonya and their son Todd move to Nebraska. But their normal life changes not only because of the move - Todd has an accident and suffers a clinical death during surgery. Afterwards, he tells his parents that he has been to heaven. Do you believe in the existence of heaven? And are you ready to accept what no one understands?

Prince of Egypt

An animated adaptation of the story from the Book of Exodus, the story of the life of the prophet Moses. The animated film focuses on the confrontation between Moses and Ramses, with whom he was raised as a brother.

Mary Magdalene

A dramatic movie about the life of Mary Magdalene. A woman from a fishing village who left everything behind and joined the followers of the word of God, which was carried by Jesus Christ. The painting touches upon the role of women in a patriarchal society. Mary is depicted as a free, strong personality.

Alexander Hetman

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