Information about an allegedly abandoned child in a Kyiv subway car began to circulate on Telegram channels. However, it is fake. This was reported by the Kyiv police, according to UNN.
In particular, these reports stated that a man had left a stroller with a baby in a subway car and walked away. It was also reported that police officers were called to the scene.
However, Kyiv police denied these reports.
We would like to inform you that the police have not received any reports of children left behind or lost in the subway, and no such appeals have been registered. Instead, the content of the message looks like an advertisement designed to increase the number of subscribers to certain telegram channels
Earlier, UNN wrote that cybercriminals are sending Ukrainians fake notices of debt to Nova Poshta. The company denies involvement in the mailing and provides recommendations on how to protect against cyberattacks.
Повідомлення про "заборгованість" перед "Новою Поштою" є фейковими - ЦПД РНБО25.12.24, 16:00