
CBS News poll: voters have fond memories of Trump's economic achievements

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According to a CBS News poll, American voters are more positive about Trump's economy than Biden's current economy, allowing Trump to pull ahead of Biden nationally ahead of the midterm elections.

According to a poll by the CBS news department, US voters remember Trump's economy as good, which so far allows the former president to stay ahead of Biden on a national scale, UNN reports.


On the eve of Super Tuesday (the day when the most populous states vote, considered crucial in determining the favorite of the US primaries - ed.), voters compare not just two presidents, but two presidencies.

Former President Donald Trump currently leads President Biden by four points nationally, his biggest advantage to date.

This is because voters would rather remember the economy under Trump than the economy today. While neither man gets good marks, voters today look back on the Trump presidency with relatively better retrospective ratings than they would have given Joe Biden's presidency so far.


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рф використовує ініціативи Китаю і Туреччини щодо мирних переговорів для підриву допомоги Україні – ISW04.03.24, 11:43


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