
Brazilian President won't attend the Peace Summit on Ukraine: he gave the reason

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Brazilian President Lula da Silva will not attend the Peace Summit on Ukraine, as he sees no "point" in participating in an event that does not involve the two conflicting parties.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will not represent the Brazilian delegation at the Peace Summit on Ukraine to be held in June  in Switzerland. The president  sees no "point" in participating in the Summit, which will not include the two  "conflicting parties." This is reported by CNN Brasil with reference to its sources, UNN reports


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy invited the Brazilian leader to participate in the summit in an interview with Brazilian TV channel CNN on April 18 in Kyiv.

However, according to Brazilian diplomatic sources, Brazil's president and foreign minister  Mauro Vieira  met this week and decided that the delegation representing the country at the summit would not be headed by the president.

However, it has not yet been decided who will fulfill this role.

In Lula's opinion, it makes no sense for the Brazilian leader to participate in a summit that does not involve the two conflicting parties.

Brazilian diplomacy has always insisted on the need for peace talks, but sees no point in a meeting that does not involve the Russians.

Саміт миру: дипломати зосередились на вузьких цілях, щоб забезпечити участь країн Глобального Півдня 15.05.24, 13:10

Brazil has repeatedly voted at the UN General Assembly to condemn Russia's invasion and defend Ukraine's territorial integrity. But the country did not support sanctions against the Kremlin.

Lula has also made several controversial statements about the war, including one in which he said that the Kyiv government, which was the victim of the invasion, was also responsible for the war. At another time, he said that Western support for the Ukrainians only prolongs the "conflict.

On Wednesday, May 15, Switzerland reported that more than 50 countries had already confirmed their participation in the summit, but did not say how many heads of state were expected to attend.

Лідери ще трьох країн підтвердили свою участь у Саміті миру - Зеленський 15.05.24, 20:12


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