
Berries and their health benefits

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Berries have numerous health benefits due to their rich nutrient content

Moderate consumption of berries in food is considered to be very beneficial. In addition to vitamins and minerals, they contain fiber, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. UNN has compiled for you the latest research by scientists on what other potential benefits berries can bring to our bodies.


The dark blue color of the berries is due to the presence of so-called anthocyanins, which are water-soluble flavonoids that can scavenge free radicals.  Scientists suggest that these antioxidants may help protect you from cancer, heart disease and dementia, as well as strengthen your immune system. Some studies have shown that regular consumption of blueberries reduces the effects of stress on the body, as well as improving the body after exercise.


Blackberries are high in polyphenols, chemicals that may reduce inflammation that leads to heart disease and cancer. Berries may also help the small intestine better break down sugar, which may reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. In addition, scientists have investigated the positive effects of polyphenols on people with chronic fatigue. 


Avocado is a single-seeded berry. Its tender green flesh is rich in vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Avocado can help your heart, promote weight loss and keep you healthy in old age. But it is still recommended to consume it with caution - the berry is quite caloric. One serving is about 1/5 of a fruit.


These berries are full of vitamin C, folic acid, fiber and antioxidants. They can help lower high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, help you control blood sugar levels and fight the effects of aging on your brain. 


In some cases, cranberries are used in the manufacture of supplements to treat genitourinary tract infections. There are also studies showing that drinking cranberry juice helps to lower blood pressure, as well as aid in weight loss. It has also been suggested that cranberries are useful for maintaining gum health.  Cranberries contain a number of B vitamins. But it should be consumed in moderation. If you have blood diseases, stone formation, digestive problems, it is better to consult a specialist.

Какая пища повышает риск смерти от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний - рассказали в Минздраве22.04.2024, 13:14

Black rowan

These dark purple berries are rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. For this reason, researchers are testing whether they can help prevent cervical, skin, breast and colon cancer. Scientists are also studying whether aronia berries can help fight liver disease, heart disease, and even obesity.


Elderberry is often used in folk medicine to fight the common cold. Some studies show that elderberry extract can shorten the time of flu symptoms if applied in the first day or two. But elderberry is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with immune system problems, diabetics, or those taking diuretics or laxatives

Red Raspberry

Raspberries are rich in nutrients that can potentially help fight various cancers and can also protect your brain. Researchers believethat compounds from the phenolic family, which raspberries are rich in, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


Kiwis have lutein, which helps protect your eyes; zinc for healthy skin, hair, and nails; and potassium, which helps you exercise better.


These berries have long been thought to improve eyesight. Scientists agree that bilberry extract may help prevent vision problems such as yellow spot degeneration and cataracts. However, more research is needed to know this for sure. Also, you should only consume supplements and preparations with blueberry extract when prescribed by your doctor. But you can treat yourself to a portion of berries, because they contain vitamin A, potassium, magnesium and other useful vitamins and minerals.


Gooseberries have a high content of vitamin C. The berries are also high in polyphenols, alkaloids and flavonoids. Some studies suggest that these berries may help fight cancer, improve liver health, prevent osteoporosis and treat parasites and infections, but so far there is little data to say for sure.

Lilia Podolyak



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