
Belgium names support for Ukraine as a priority for its EU presidency

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Belgium, under its EU presidency, is prioritizing support for Ukraine, aiming to finalize a €50 billion financial assistance plan for 2024-2027.

On January 5, Belgium assumed the presidency of the European Union and has already declared support for Ukraine, strengthening democracy and economic development a priority. This was stated by Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Kroo, according to the website of the European Parliament, UNN reports.


It is noted that Belgium's immediate task during the presidency will be to agree on a €50 billion financial assistance plan for Ukraine from 2024 to 2027 at the EU summit on February 1.

The European population looks to the European Union. People look to the European Union with clear expectations, with the hope of protecting it, with the hope of strengthening our welfare, our prosperity and with the hope of preparing a common future. A common future here in Europe means, of course, Ukraine at the heart of Europe

said Alexander de Kroo.

The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, called financial assistance to Ukraine "the most strategic" of the priorities of the Belgian presidency of the EU Council.

After the historic decision to start negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU, we must urgently move forward with stabilizing our financial assistance to the country

said von der Leyen.

According to her, the European Commission will propose to the European Council "operational solutions" that will guarantee a consensus on the fund for Ukraine within the framework of the updated EU budget for 2024-2027.


Belgium will hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2024 - until June 30.

Бельгія в березні відправить два F-16 до Данії для навчання українських пілотів04.01.24, 15:00

Lilia Podolyak



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