
Belarus sends Ukrainian children to train with the military - media

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Belarus sent 35 Ukrainian children from the occupied Antratsit to Mohylaŭ for military training in extreme situations.

The Belarusian authorities have sent a group of Ukrainian children from occupied Ukraine, who recently arrived, to train with the Belarusian military to learn how to evacuate in case of fire. This is reported by AP with reference to Belarusian television, UNN writes.


Reportedly, 35 children from the Russian-occupied city of Antratsyt in eastern Ukraine have been sent to the eastern Belarusian city of Mohylaŭ.

The state-run Belarus1 TV channel reported that the children were placed in a sanatorium and were being looked after by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The military is "teaching children how to behave in extreme situations," the state TV channel said.

A state television program says that the Belarusian military is conducting "emergency survival training" for children.

Повернення викрадених дітей та військова підтримка: Зеленський та Наусєда підписали спільну заяву10.01.24, 17:01

More than 2,400 Ukrainian children aged 6 to 17 were taken to Belarus from four Ukrainian regions partially occupied by Russian troops, according to a recent Yale University study. The Belarusian opposition has called on the International Criminal Court to prosecute Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and his government officials for their involvement in the illegal transfer of children.


On December 28, self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alyaksandr Lukashenka took part in a government-organized meeting with children brought from the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine.

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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