
6 simple ways to overcome fatigue and restore vitality

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In the modern world, where physical and mental stress has reached its maximum, fatigue has become a common companion for many people. How to overcome this phenomenon and regain energy? This is reported by the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, reports UNN.


Here are some effective tips.

1. Allocation of time for work and rest: it is important to prioritize tasks and not forget about lunch breaks. If you feel overwhelmed, ask your colleagues for help. Going for a walk for 20-30 minutes can significantly improve your mood and performance.

2. Quality sleep: for adults, it is recommended to sleep at least 7 hours, for children aged 6-12 - 9-12 hours, and for adolescents - 8-10 hours. Before going to bed, you should limit the use of gadgets and watching emotionally charged programs, as well as ventilate the room.

3. Proper nutrition: A balanced diet affects your physical and mental health.

4. Physical activity: Regular physical activity should be part of your life. Walking, running, or cycling increases energy and improves mood. It is recommended to exercise at least 150 minutes a week.

5. Optimism: Positive thinking has a significant impact on your health. Build friendly relationships with colleagues and loved ones to help reduce stress.

6. Self-development: engage in hobbies or favorite activities. This not only brings pleasure, but also allows you to escape from everyday worries.

Today, there are no special medications to treat fatigue, but by changing your daily habits, you can gradually improve your quality of life. Remember, rest and attention to your health are the key to overcoming fatigue.

Вчені виявили зв'язок між депресією та підвищеною температурою тіла22.10.24, 03:49

Julia Kotwicka



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