You can't see the other side of the capital: what Kyiv looks like when it's covered in smoke from ecosystem fires

You can't see the other side of the capital: what Kyiv looks like when it's covered in smoke from ecosystem fires

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 20 2024, 06:53 AM  •  11587 views

Significant air pollution was recorded in Kyiv due to natural fires in the region and unfavorable weather conditions.

On the morning of September 20, Kyiv was covered in smoke. Air pollution is recorded throughout the city and on the outskirts. Kyiv residents complain that there is no air to breathe and share pictures of the capital that clearly show that the city is covered in smoke, UNN reports.

The probable cause of the deteriorating air quality in Kyiv is natural fires in the Kyiv region and meteorological conditions that contribute to the accumulation of harmful substances in the air, KCMA reported on Telegram on Friday.

Kyiv residents were advised not to go outside and close the windows, to avoid physical activity outdoors, and to drink plenty of water.

Kyiv topped the world ranking of air pollution - IQAirSeptember 20 2024, 06:38 AM • 11289 views

"According to the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine", localization and elimination of fires in Dubechany, Novosilky and Fenevytsky forestries in Kyiv region is ongoing. In most cases, forest fires are caused by careless handling of fire: abandoned cigarette butts or matches, making fires and using them carelessly, working in forest areas (garbage disposal, construction), and burning grass on forest glades.

In addition, every year in the fall, we see an increase in air pollution, as temperature differences between day and night cause temperature inversions, which in turn cause the accumulation of harmful substances in the surface air layer. Warm air and humidity lead to fog, and harmful substances from various emission sources are hardly dissipated," the Ministry of Environment said in a statement. 

Kyiv residents on the left bank of the capital say they cannot see the right bank.