There is no "new status" for Taurus: Berlin condemns Russia's attacks on Ukraine, but continues to refuse cruise missiles

There is no "new status" for Taurus: Berlin condemns Russia's attacks on Ukraine, but continues to refuse cruise missiles

Kyiv  •  UNN

January 3 2024, 03:27 PM  •  29101 views

German government continues to refuse to provide Taurus cruise missiles

The German government has condemned Russia's recent air strikes on Ukraine, but continues to refuse to provide Taurus cruise missiles, tagesschau reports, UNN writes.


There is no "new status" on this issue, German government spokesman Steffen Gebestreit said in Berlin. At the same time, he emphasized that Russia's actions will be strongly condemned by Germany. "Massive attacks on civilian infrastructure are a war crime and are absolutely despicable," Gebestreit said.

Meanwhile, German politicians from the CDU and the Greens insist on delivering the Taurus to Ukraine, given the recent Russian air strikes.

"It is especially important that the Taurus is delivered as soon as possible," Anton Hofreiter (Greens), chairman of the Bundestag's EU Affairs Committee, told the Funke media group. 

Norbert Röttgen, chairman of the Bundestag's foreign policy committee and a CDU politician, also calls for the delivery of German cruise missiles: Ukraine urgently needs them "to be able to defend itself against Russian attacks on its own territory." The Ukrainian government has so far used Western weapons only on its own territory, not on Russian territory. "This also guarantees the use of the Taurus," Röttgen emphasized.

After another shelling by Russia, the Bundestag again calls for a Taurus for UkraineJanuary 2 2024, 02:36 PM • 31138 views