There are no plans to close the stretch between Pochaina and Taras Shevchenko metro stations

There are no plans to close the stretch between Pochaina and Taras Shevchenko metro stations

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 18 2023, 03:34 PM  •  42515 views

Kyiv Metro will not close the Pochayna-Taras Shevchenko line for scheduled repairs; constant monitoring ensures that no urgent repairs are required.

There are no plans to close the stretch between the Pochayna and Tarasa Shevchenko metro stations for the duration of the scheduled repair. UNN reports with reference to the Kyiv City State Administration.  

There are no plans to close the stretch between Pochaina and Tarasa Shevchenko metro stations for the duration of the scheduled repairs. This section of the Obolonsko-Teremkivska line tunnels requires scheduled repairs, which will be carried out next summer. 

- the report says.  


It is reported that Kyiv Metro specialists are constantly monitoring the condition of tunnel structures on all sections of the subway lines. Especially those built in difficult engineering-geological and hydro-geological conditions.  


Earlier, Dmytro Pinchuk, deputy head of the Kyiv Metro, said that the section of the subway tunnels between Pochayna and Tarasa Shevchenko stations on the Obolonsko-Teremkivska line in the capital needs major repairs due to its deterioration.    

In response to a request from UNN, the Kyiv Metro reported that there are currently no stations in the Kyiv metro that require urgent unscheduled repairs due to a breach of the sealing of the structures.