Putin may have traveled to Mongolia to consult with shamans on nuclear weapons - media

Putin may have traveled to Mongolia to consult with shamans on nuclear weapons - media

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 16 2024, 01:25 PM  •  11427 views

Russian dictator Putin apparently paid a visit to Mongolia, officially to participate in a memorial event. However, sources suggest that the real purpose was to obtain the blessing of shamans to use nuclear weapons. However, this information has not yet been officially confirmed.

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin visited Mongolia. Officially through a memorial event. But many Russians believe that he had other plans. As Spiegel writes, the Russian dictator could visit shamans to consult on the use of nuclear weapons, UNN reports.

According to the newspaper, in early September, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin traveled to Tuva. This is a small region in southern Russia known as the home of former Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and where shamanic traditions are very strong. putin spent several days there. Officially, he attended a patriotism lesson at a local school.

From there, Putin flew to neighboring Mongolia. There was an official occasion for this: participation in the celebrations marking the 85th anniversary of the armed conflict between Mongolia and the Soviet Union on the one hand and Japan on the other.

Putin spent two days in Mongolia. The main topic of discussion during this visit was, of course, whether the country, which is heavily dependent on Russian gas and electricity, would dare to arrest him and extradite him to The Hague, as demanded by the International Criminal Court.

Spiegel notes, when the visit ended and Putin quietly left, another topic arose in Moscow: why did the president go there in the first place? Is Mongolia really such an important foreign policy partner now? What exactly did he want to achieve?

The version discussed by sources close to the Kremlin is that shamans are the reason. This is Putin's third visit to Mongolia in the last decade: he has been to Tuva many times.

The publication reminds us that Mongolia and Tuva are considered to be the homeland of the world's most powerful shamans.

Putin has long been known for his special attitude to mysticism. And, to all appearances, he combines his interest in Orthodox mysticism with pagan traditions, the publication adds.

Just 35 years ago, all members of the Russian political elite were atheists. This was the claim of the Communist Party. Later, they suddenly became believers and practiced completely different religions. There are extremely devout Jews and Muslims in Vladimir Putin's inner circle.

A special role was played by Sergei Shoigu, a man who has been Minister of Defense for the past twelve years and previously Minister of Civil Defense. It was Shoigu who first brought Vladimir Putin together with the shamans.

The former minister is originally from Tuva. Putin and Shoigu often traveled together in the noughties, when he acted as Putin's "personal tour operator," organizing exclusive trips to hard-to-reach regions of Russia for him.

For example, many remember their joint trip to Tuva in 2009, during which Putin rode a horse bare-chested ... Putin and Shoigu also vacationed together in Tuva in 2017, 2018 and 2021 - and this is only official information the press service of the Kremlin.

Spiegel, citing conversations, writes that during such trips, Shoigu and Putin probably participated in shamanistic rituals. This fascinated the Russian president no less than Orthodox mysticism.

"They say that Shoigu suggested that Putin take a bath in the blood of young deer antlers to rejuvenate himself. By the time they ossify, the antlers become soft and filled with blood. According to pagan traditions, such young antlers should be sawed off and a bath made from their decoction, which is said to have miraculous properties... Rumors of shamanic rituals involving Putin have been quite popular in recent years. For example, Valeriy Soloviy, a political scientist with a highly controversial reputation, claimed in 2022 that Russia's attack on Ukraine was preceded by a pagan ritual that shamans performed for Putin at his residence in Sochi. They allegedly sacrificed an eagle and predicted the success of the military operation," the article says.

The publication quotes a source close to the Kremlin as saying that Putin consulted with various mystics before the invasion, and they all assured him of a military victory.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, shamanism experienced a revival in the Asian regions of Russia and Mongolia. Like church elders, many newly converted shamans have close ties to the authorities, so they can say not what the spirits whisper to them, but what the officials want to hear.

The newspaper's sources say that at one of the first rituals organized for Putin, members of his administration did not like the appearance of the ceremony participants: the shamans were rumored to look too young and not respectable enough. Then, apparently, it was decided to replace them with actors who knew the ritual well. The ceremony was spectacular, and everyone was happy.

In May of this year, the main proponent of shamanism in the Russian government, Sergei Shoigu, lost his post as defense minister. This does not seem to have affected Putin's attitude toward the occult. He simply traveled to Mongolia and Tuva without Shoigu.

"There is a rumor circulating in Moscow that Putin needs the blessing of shamans to use nuclear weapons. Without their consent, he could not take such a serious step for fear of angering the spirits. And he allegedly returned from Mongolia satisfied.

However, this version sounds like a fantasy. None of the sources can confirm it. However, the meeting with the Mongolian shamans seems to have taken place," the publication summarizes.