Putin is no different from Stalin, who committed the Holodomor in Ukraine - US representative to the UN

Putin is no different from Stalin, who committed the Holodomor in Ukraine - US representative to the UN

Kyiv  •  UNN

November 22 2023, 12:20 AM  •  18702 views

Ms. US Ambassador to the UN compared the current Russian President Putin to the former USSR Secretary General Stalin, who organized the Holodomor in Ukraine, killing millions of people.

Like Stalin, Putin is using food as a weapon of war and waging war against vulnerable people around the world. Today, Ukraine produces 35% less wheat less wheat than before the war. This was announced on Tuesday during a meeting of the UN Security Council. UN Security Council meeting, US Permanent Representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said, according to UNN.


Linda Thomas-Greenfield began her speech by mentioning the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor.

Millions of Ukrainian women, men, and children died because of the Stalinist regime, the harsh and repressive policies of the Stalinist regime because of the deliberately created famine. This was a warning of what is happening, when we do not restrain cruelty and tyranny. But Putin did not take it as a warning. Warning, he was rather inspired. Like Stalin, Putin uses food as a weapon of war. And like Stalin, Putin has brought starvation and death to Ukraine. Russia is waging war not only against the people of Ukraine and their food supply, it is also waging war against vulnerable people around the world who rely on food exports from Ukraine. Food exports from Ukraine

said Thomas-Greenfield.

The US Permanent Representative to the UN also added that currently Ukraine produces 35% less wheat than before the war. And one Russian attack destroys 60 thousand tons of grain, which could feed 270 thousand people for a year.

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According to Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Putin hopes that, Given the number of crises the world is facing today - Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Israel, Gaza, countries will forget about the plight of the Ukrainian people. However, Thomas-Greenfield assured that the United States will continue to to support Ukraine in its fight for freedom against Russian aggression both now and in the future.

She urged her colleagues not to allow Russia to flout the UN Charter. UN CHARTER.

We must not allow Russia to commit war crimes with impunity, to continue war crimes, continue to use food as a weapon, and inflict so much pain and suffering on Ukraine. pain and suffering in Ukraine. Let us all stand with the Ukrainian people for as long as it takes, as long as it takes until families are reunited, until children return to school and people return home. And until a just and comprehensive peace, in accordance with the UN Charter

Linda Thomas-Greenfield emphasized.