Punishment of companies that do not pay taxes, including through gray exports, should be public and loud-expert

Punishment of companies that do not pay taxes, including through gray exports, should be public and loud-expert

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 20 2024, 08:06 AM • 101220 views

Businesses that evade taxes during the war should be punished publicly and loudly so that the country knows its "heroes", says Sergey Dorotich, head of the #ЅаѵеFOP movement.

Businesses that evade taxes during the war should be punished loudly so that the country knows its "heroes". This opinion was expressed in an exclusive comment to UNN by the chairman of the Movement #ЅаѵеFOP Sergey Dorotich.

There is no single recipe, it should be a set of measures... I myself communicate with colleagues and entrepreneurs and convince them that there should be responsibility. You need to punish loudly. There are no examples of high-profile punishments of officials either,

Dorotich noted.

In addition, according to him, Ukrainian legislation needs to be improved so that it is unambiguous and does not leave loopholes for abuse and obtaining preferences.

And third – there should be an irreversibility of punishment, and not so that we can lie down under a blanket in a cage and be released without receiving punishment. ,

Dorotich added.

At the same time, Dorotich is sure that there should be more publicity in the processes of tax evasion by entrepreneurs and control inspections of their activities.

In apartment buildings, condominiums post rent debtors at the entrance. It should be the same here – the country should know its heroes. The problem is that I don't see any push in this direction, and the budget continues to lose,

Dorotich summed up.


Earlier UNN said that due to tax evasion through gray grain exports, billions of hryvnias do not reach the state budget of Ukraine. This, in particular, negatively affects the pockets of ordinary Ukrainians, because prices for goods in stores are growing.A vivid example of such dysfunctional activities can be Odessa entrepreneurs Sergey Groza, Vladimir Naumenko and their agricultural holding GNT Group.

Companies controlled by Grozi and Naumenko LLC "Ferko", LLC "Metalzyukraine Corp Ltd", LLC" grain transshipment complex "Inzernoexport" and the enterprise "Vtormetexport", according to the investigation, actively used the details of "risky" enterprises to export grain from the grain terminal "Olimpex".

Ukrainian law enforcement officers are investigating several criminal proceedings againstand other exports from the Olimpex terminal, which may indicate that Groza and Naumenko have been evading taxes for years under the same scheme.


The GNT Group of companies, owned by businessmen Sergey Groza and Vladimir Naumenko, in 2019 and 2021 received investment loans from two American funds for the development of the Olimpex grain terminal in the Odessa region, which it owned at that time.

These companies Groza and Naumenko, according to media reports, actively cooperated with the company of the sanctioned smuggler Vadim Alperin, who was deprived of Ukrainian citizenship.

Having decided not to return the funds to creditors, Groza and Naumenko collected loans from the Ukrainian banks Vostok and Yuzhny secured by the property of the grain terminal, which was already secured by the Americans.

Through a scheme using controlled companies and Ukrainian banks, they resold the property of Olimpex several times, thus trying to maintain control over the terminal.

Ukrainian law enforcement officers have opened several criminal cases in connection with the situation around Olimpex. And creditors, in turn, in international arbitrations demand the return of their funds and quite successfully. In particular, the English court decided to worldwide freeze the assets of Groza and Naumenko.

You can read more about the conflict over the Olimpex grain terminal in the article: "Grozy and Naumenko'S GNT Group blocked the operation of the grain terminal in Odessa. Detailed chronology of the conflict".