Government appoints new co-chairs of the Supervisory Board of the Social Investment Fund
Kyiv • UNN
Alexey Kuleba and Oksana Zholnovich headed the supervisory board of the Ukrainian social investment fund. Changes to the composition of the council will now be approved by a joint order of the Ministry of infrastructure and the Ministry of Social Policy.
The government has updated the composition of the supervisory board of the Ukrainian social investment fund. The foundation will be co-chaired by Deputy Prime Minister for reconstruction of Ukraine-Minister of community and Territory Development Oleksiy Kuleba and Minister of social policy Oksana Zholnovich. Reports UNN with reference to the government's representative in Parliament Taras Melnychuk.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has amended the regulation on the Ukrainian social investment fund. From now on, Deputy Prime Minister for reconstruction of Ukraine-Minister of community and Territory Development Oleksiy Kuleba and Minister of social policy Oksana Zholnovich have been appointed co-chairs of the foundation's supervisory board.
The update also provides that the personal composition of the supervisory board and changes to it will be approved by a joint order of the Ministry of infrastructure and the Ministry of social policy.
for Reference
The Ukrainian social investment fund (UFSI) is a non-profit organization created to support the least socially protected segments of the population, as well as initiatives of territorial communities and public organizations.
The mission of the UFSI is to develop the potential of territorial communities, improve the conditions for providing basic social services and promote the development of the social sphere and infrastructure of Ukraine.
UFSI invests funds from international donors in the social sphere in the following areas: repair of residential facilities, social and communal infrastructure (kindergartens, schools, medical institutions, clubs, water pipes, roads, etc.); development of the potential of territorial communities in solving local problems, activating their participation in the decision-making process; providing support in creating innovative models of social services, including for vulnerable groups of the population (people with disabilities, orphans, homeless people, elderly people, victims of violence, etc.).
Donors of UFSI in different years were the Government of Germany (KfW), the World Bank, the European Union, the Government of Japan (JSDF), the Government of Sweden (Sida), the Government of Great Britain (DFID), the Charles Stuart Mott Foundation, The Canadian Agency for International Development, the International Renaissance Foundation, the United Nations Development Program.
Over the years of the fund's existence, projects worth more than 8 82 million and more than 42 million euros have been financed.