Gas price for Ukrainians will remain unchanged: Naftogaz fixed the tariff for another year

Gas price for Ukrainians will remain unchanged: Naftogaz fixed the tariff for another year

Kyiv  •  UNN

April 23 2024, 10:50 AM  •  31609 views

Naftogaz of Ukraine has extended the "fixed" tariff for another year, keeping the gas price for households at UAH 7.96 (including VAT) per cubic meter until April 30, 2025.

The gas price for households serviced by Naftogaz of Ukraine will remain unchanged at UAH 7.96 (including VAT) for at least another year, Naftogaz Group said on Tuesday, UNN reports.


"Gas supply company Naftogaz of Ukraine has extended the Fixed tariff plan for another year, following the current moratorium on price increases. A cubic meter of gas for the company's customers will continue to cost UAH 7.96 (including VAT)," the statement said.

The gas supply company Naftogaz of Ukraine, as noted, provides gas to 12.4 million Ukrainian households "uninterruptedly and steadily." All of these customers, according to the report, receive natural gas in accordance with the annual "Fixed" tariff plan. The tariff is valid from May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025 inclusive.

Our company provides gas to more than 12 million households. And we currently guarantee the availability of resources and a fixed price for a year in advance to all of them

- commented Oleksiy Chernyshev, Head of Naftogaz Group.

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