Enemy in groups of up to a squad has been attempting to clear our footholds on the left bank of Dnipro for over three weeks - Defense Forces of the South

Enemy in groups of up to a squad has been attempting to clear our footholds on the left bank of Dnipro for over three weeks - Defense Forces of the South

Kyiv  •  UNN

March 14 2024, 08:19 AM  •  22877 views

For more than three weeks now, Russian troops have been unsuccessfully trying to clear Ukrainian forces' bridgeheads on the left bank of the Dnipro River in the south.

Russian troops in groups of up to a squad have been trying to clear the Defense Forces' bridgeheads on the left bank of the Dnipro River in the south for more than three weeks, but to no avail. This was reported by the Defense Forces of the south of Ukraine on Thursday, UNN reports.


"The enemy is determined to drive our units from their positions on the left bank of the Dnipro River. Over the past day he managed to make two assaults. The enemy has been trying to clear our footholds in groups of up to a squad, without the support of armored vehicles, for over three weeks. But our positions are steadily holding, and the enemy is retreating with losses until the next attempts," the Defense Forces of the south of Ukraine reported on Telegram.

As noted, counter-battery combat continues in the operational area of the Defense Forces of the south of Ukraine, despite the deteriorating weather conditions.

"The enemy troops do not stop aerial reconnaissance, continue to put pressure with artillery shelling and use attack drones of various types. But even here, the weather had a significant impact on the intensity of all types of combat operations. Dense clouds, stormy winds and rains do not contribute to reconnaissance, targeting or mobility of artillery units," the Defense Forces of the south of Ukraine stated in.

Humenyuk on the situation in Krynky: Defense forces continue to hold the bridgeheadMarch 12 2024, 07:49 AM • 30195 views