All-Ukrainian Preschool Day, World Heart Day, International Rivers Day. What else can be celebrated on September 29

All-Ukrainian Preschool Day, World Heart Day, International Rivers Day. What else can be celebrated on September 29

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 29 2024, 03:03 AM  •  6146 views

The event is primarily dedicated to educators and other kindergarten staff. Before the full-scale Russian aggression, there were about 15,000 preschool educational institutions in Ukraine

Today, on the last Sunday of September, events are taking place in Ukraine on the occasion of the All-Ukrainian Day of Preschool, UNN reports.

The event is primarily dedicated to educators and other employees of kindergartens. It is in preschool that children begin to form their personalities. Therefore, not only parents, but also employees of preschool institutions largely determine how Ukrainian children will grow up.

Before the full-scale Russian aggression, there were about 15,000 kindergartens in Ukraine. During the war, more than 70 of them were completely destroyed and more than one thousand damaged. Almost 850,000 kindergartens ended up in the temporarily occupied territories.

Despite the challenging conditions, preschool employees continue to do their jobs with dedication. Children in Ukraine have the opportunity to attend more than six thousand kindergartens, and this number is constantly growing.

The last Sunday of September is also the International Day of the Deaf.

According to statistics, there is an average of 1 person per 100 people who carries the deafness gene. There are currently about 40 thousand people with hearing impairments in Ukraine.

Since 1999, World Heart Day has been celebrated at the initiative of the World Health Organization.

Ancient scientists rightly believed that the heart is one of the most important organs of the human body. But, at the same time, they endowed it with functions that were not inherent to it.

In particular, Aristotle believed that the heart controls the brain. Galen was convinced that the heart was the seat of the soul and was superior to all body tissues in terms of strength and resistance to injury.

Avicenna believed that this organ is responsible for human abilities and regulates body temperature.

The British physician William Harvey was the first to describe the heart's sole function of pumping blood through blood vessels in his 1628 work On the Circulation of the Blood  .

In 1893, American surgeon Daniel Williams performed the first open heart surgery. In 1958. In Sweden, a pacemaker was first installed in a patient. However, the device itself had to be replaced 20 times. But the patient lived for 43 years and died when he was 86 years old.

In 1967, surgeon Christian Barnard successfully performed the first heart transplant in South Africa.

On September 29, otolaryngologists celebrate their professional holiday all over the world.

Otolaryngology began to develop into a separate science in the mid-17th century when the anatomy and physiology of the ears, nose, and throat were already well understood. At the same time, special instruments were developed to study these organs.

You can still join the World Retina Day today.

The retina is a thin layer of light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eyeball. The task of the retina is to receive focused light from the lens and transmit the image through the optic nerve to the brain. The retina consists of ten layers containing nerve cells, blood vessels, and photoreceptors called rods and cones. There are about 120 million rods in the retina, which are more sensitive to light but not to color. Incredibly efficient photoreceptors, the rods are responsible for night and peripheral vision.

The last Sunday of September is also the International Day of Rivers.

The purpose of this event is to draw humanity's attention to the fact that its activities in river basins have a negative impact on flora and fauna.

Scientists estimate that over the past 50 years, the populations of plants and animals whose habitat is rivers have declined by about 80%.

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of St. Kiriakos the Hermit.

Kiriakos lived in Corinth in the 5th century. At the age of 18, he decided to devote his life to the service of the Lord and entered a monastery. He worked hard and prayed constantly. Later he took a vow of silence.

According to legend, when Kiriakou turned 70, he decided to retire to the desert. He was accompanied by a lion. The man fed it from his hands.

Kiriak died when he was 109 years old.

Viktor, Yosyp, and Liudmyla celebrate their name days on September 29.