
Zelenskyy: Ukraine will continue to build up Ukrainian marine forces

 • 20829 переглядiв

Ukraine will continue to develop the forces of the Ukrainian Marines, a special kind of troops that have made a significant impact on the war against Russian aggression with their bravery, dedication and strategic battles in the south and east.

Ukraine will continue to develop the strength of the Ukrainian  Marines, and this will always be a special kind of troops. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the Day of the Marines, an UNN correspondent reports.

The units of our marines have already had a significant impact on the course of this war, and your influence is exactly what our country, our people, and our independence need. The Ukrainian Marines are always brave, always stronger than the enemy, and always loyal to Ukraine. I am grateful to every sailor, every sergeant, every officer of our marine units! 

- Zelensky emphasized.

He noted that the Marines have distinguished themselves in combat since the first days of the war and participated in each of the truly strategic battles on our southern and eastern borders.

These include the defense of Zmeinyi Island, Odesa and Mykolaiv regions, hard combat work in Kherson region, which largely determines the fate of this war, and defense operations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions 

- Zelensky said.

The President emphasized that Ukraine's strength cannot be imagined without the strength of Ukrainian marines.

Ukraine is proud of you. Ukraine will continue to develop the strength of our  marines and it will always be a special kind of troops in terms of importance, equipment, and respect for the Ukrainian marines 

- Zelensky said.


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyy congratulated the Marines on the holiday and thanked them for their work.

Сьогодні День морської піхоти України: роль морпіхів у відбитті російської агресії23.05.24, 06:34


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