
Leaders of three more countries confirmed their participation in the Peace Summit - Zelenskyi

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President Zelenskyy announced that the presidents of Georgia, Malawi, and the prime minister of Liechtenstein have agreed to participate in a peace summit aimed at restoring international law and establishing a just peace for Ukraine.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that today he had a conversation with several other world leaders who agreed to participate in the Peace Summit. These are the presidents of Georgia, Malawi and the prime minister of Liechtenstein. This was reported by UNN with reference to Zelensky's statement on his Telegram channel.


The Head of State emphasized that Kyiv was preparing a real opportunity to restore the full force of international law and bring a just peace to Ukraine.

Three more leaders have confirmed their participation in the Peace Summit. (...) Today I had telephone conversations with President Salome Zurabishvili of Georgia, Prime Minister Daniel Riesch of Liechtenstein, and President Lazarous Chakwera of Malawi. Thank you for your support of Ukraine and willingness to join the Peace Summit in Switzerland

- The President of Ukraine said. 

США будуть представлені на Саміті миру, але поки не оголошують рівень представництва - Блінкен15.05.24, 16:10


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reportedthat the main issues to be discussed during the Peace Summit in Switzerland include the possibility of an "all-for-all" exchange, the return of abducted children and deported Ukrainians to Ukraine, and nuclear safety.


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