
Zaporizhzhia: occupants attack Gulyaypol, one wounded

 • 42472 переглядiв

Russian army attacks Gulyaypole in Zaporizhzhia, damaging civilian houses, one person is wounded.

The Russian army struck Gulyaypol in Zaporizhzhya. According to the head of Zaporizhzhya regional military administration Yuriy Malashko, civilian houses were damaged, there is a wounded person, UNN reports.

According to Malashko, "today at about 12:20 the enemy once again fired artillery at the long-suffering but indomitable Hulyaypol.

Civilian houses were destroyed and damaged again. A local resident was wounded by enemy shell fragments in his own yard. Police provided first aid and handed him over to military medics 

- wrote the head of the OBA.

Malashko added that rescuers are working at the sites of the attacks.

Antonina Tumanova



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