
With nests, ropes and swings: budgerigars in the Kyiv Zoo moved into a "summer house"

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A large group of rescued budgerigars has moved to their new summer residence - a spacious outdoor enclosure with natural amenities such as nests, branches, ropes and feeders - at Kyiv Zoo, which will help facilitate their rehabilitation.

A large group of budgies that came to Kyiv Zoo during the war have moved to their new summer home. The zoo showed photos and told about the amenities of the summer house, reports UNN.

Rehabilitation of birds is a complex and long-term process. It is necessary not only to restore the animal physically, but also to return it to a normal psychological state and socialize it into a group of its own kind. For this purpose, more and more natural aviaries are being created, where birds stay in flocks directly in Kyivzoo park - in the open air among green bushes and trees 

- the Kyiv Zoo reported.

It is known that the new aviary is designed for comfortable living of twenty budgies, for which there are nests, tree branches, ropes and swings, perches, a feeder and a drinking bowl. The bottom of the aviary is covered with wooden mulch.

The rescued parrots enjoy grain feed, vegetables and fruits and quickly recover in a friendly, noisy flock. You can see them in the park opposite the elephant. 

Antonina Tumanova



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