
Weekend weather: snow, ice and frosts down to 25° below zero

 • 30718 переглядiв

On Sunday, the weather in Ukraine is expected to deteriorate significantly. Snow, ice and frost will come to Ukraine from the north of Europe. This was warned by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, UNN reports.

Difficult weather conditions are expected in Ukraine on January 7-9 as a result of the invasion of Arctic air from northern Europe and the formation of an active cyclone in the south of the country. ...  from north to south, night temperatures are expected to drop significantly to 13-20° Celsius (in Chernihiv and Sumy regions to 19-25° Celsius), in the southern part to 7-15° Celsius.

- the forecasters said.


On the afternoon of January 7 and throughout the day on January 8, there will be significant snow in Cherkasy, Kirovohrad, Poltava, Dnipro, and Kharkiv regions (snow cover increase of 10-20 cm, up to 30 cm in Kirovohrad and Dnipro regions);

in Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk and Luhansk regions, significant precipitation (rain turning to snow), ice, sleet (5-15 cm of snow cover)

In the central, eastern and southern regions, wind gusts of 15-20 m/s, blizzards, snow drifts; ice cover on the roads in most regions of the country

The police warned that due to the deteriorating weather conditions, there may be interruptions in the work of utilities and communications.

Церковний календар на січень: нагадуємо, що і коли тепер відзначають православні в Україні 01.01.24, 04:33


How to protect yourself from hypothermia and frostbite in such weather was explained by the Patrol Police of Ukraine.

  • if you are outside for a long time, be sure to go into a warm room every half hour to an hour; 
  • Move your arms and toes to increase blood circulation. At the same time, avoid overwork: when you are tired, you lose heat faster; 
  • Do not touch the metal (with your hands or tongue). You risk frostbite at the point of contact; 
  • quit smoking. Nicotine has a bad effect on the walls of blood vessels. This increases the likelihood of negative effects of cold;

Навчальне авто без літери "У": в Україні змінилися правила дорожнього руху30.10.23, 20:19 • [views_44790]

  • be careful when working with gasoline in sub-zero temperatures: frostbite can occur if gasoline comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, use waterproof gloves; 
  • avoid long-distance travel. If it is impossible to postpone the trip, take care of warm clothes and a thermos with a warm drink (but never alcohol); 
  • make sure your phone is charged. This will help you to contact the emergency services if necessary; 
  • keep an eye on the weather forecast. Dress warmly 
  • If you find yourself in a difficult situation, call 102. We are on guard and ready to help you

Tatiana Salganik



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