
We maintain control everywhere: Zelensky discusses situation in Kharkiv and Donetsk regions with Syrsky

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President Zelenskyy discussed the situation in Kharkiv and Donetsk regions with the military commander, saying that Ukraine maintains control everywhere despite Russia's use of guided bombs, and emphasized the need for additional air defense systems and new combat aircraft.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy discussed the situation in the Khakiv and Donetsk regions with the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyy - "we maintain control everywhere," UNN reports.

Today I spoke with the Chief of the Main Command about the situation, in particular, in the Donetsk and Kharkiv regions. We maintain control everywhere 

- Zelensky said during his evening address.


According to the Head of State, Russian killers are actively using guided aerial bombs in the areas of Chasiv Yar, in the Pokrovske direction, in the area of Lyptsi in Kharkiv region and in other combat areas.

"This brings us back to the need for air defense - for additional defense systems that could significantly reduce the difficulties for our soldiers and the threat to our cities and communities. This also applies to the preparation of the transition of our Air Force to new combat aircraft," Zelensky said.

Зеленський: для захисту Харкова потрібні дві системи Patriot16.05.24, 16:17

However, according to him, the free world still lacks efficiency in these two tasks.

"However, we still have promising work with several partners and are doing everything to ensure that the day comes as soon as possible when we can add Petriot forces to our eastern regions, our cities like Kharkiv, Sumy and others. I am grateful to all our partners who understand this need and its importance - the real strategic power of air defense in this war," he summarized.

Зеленський заявив, що рішення про західну допомогу запізнюються приблизно на рік20.05.24, 20:23


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