
US Vice President Harris to attend peace summit in Switzerland

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US Vice President Kamala Harris will travel to Lucerne, Switzerland, to attend a peace summit, stressing the US commitment to supporting Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity based on the principles of the UN Charter.

US Vice President Kamala Harris will travel to Lucerne, Switzerland, on June 15 to attend the Peace Summit, Reports UNN with reference to the White House.

Vice President Kamala Harris will travel to Lucerne, Switzerland, on June 15 to attend the peace summit... The vice president will emphasize the Biden-Harris administration's commitment to supporting Ukraine's efforts to ensure a just and lasting peace based on Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and the principles of the UN Charter. 

- the statement says.

The White House added that the US vice president will also confirm the support of the people of Ukraine, who are defending themselves from the ongoing Russian aggression. National security adviser Jake Sullivan will join the vice president in representing the United States at the summit.


The United States of America confirmed its participation in the upcoming peace summit in Ukraine, which will be held in Switzerland next month, but did not specify who exactly will represent the country at this event.


Switzerland is organizing the Peace Summit in Ukraine on June 15-16, 2024, which aims to define a roadmap for engaging both sides in the future peace process and promoting a common understanding of achieving a just and lasting peace based on international law.


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