
Ukrainians elected the jury of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 through Diia

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Ukrainians voted through Diia for Andriy Danylko, Jamala and Serhiy Tanchynets, who were included in the selected jury for the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. If the winners agree, they will help decide who will represent Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest.

Ukrainians chose the jury of the national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 through Diia - Andriy Danylko, Jamala, Serhiy Tanchynets, the state online service reported on Monday, UNN reports.


Only one candidate could be voted for. The service formed a rating and determined the winning three who will take the judges' chairs at the national selection. The results are as follows:

  • Andriy Danylko
  • Jamala
  • Sergiy Tanchynets

More than 720.8 thousand Ukrainians voted for Diia.

If the winners sign an agreement with Suspilne, they will become official jury members at the national selection of the main song contest. They, together with the audience, will decide who will represent Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in Sweden.

"Євробачення-2024": оголошено порядок виступів у фіналі Національного відбору11.01.24, 16:02

Julia Shramko



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